Saturday 25 December 2010

happy christmas!

Here are some of the lovely gifts I recieved for Christmas this year, I hadn't asked for much so had a lot of surprises which was nice. Firstly the Fifi Lapin book from my sister, various perfumes from my friends and mom and dad, various jewellery, underwear and clothing. I love this coat and cannot wait to take it out, I'm going shopping on Tuesday so I'm going to wear it then. I also recieved a Fisheye camera from my dad which I can't wait to experiment with! 
I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and New Year!

Monday 20 December 2010

in the basement people, in the basement

I just took a few photos today of recent purchases, here is the ASOS dress that I posted about a couple of weeks ago, I absolutely adore it!:) 
I also recently purchased this ruby ring from ASOS for only six pounds, I really love rings at the moment, I never used to wear them much and when I did I'd end up taking them off. I love that crucifix one which a fair few people have at the moment. The wing ring isn't mine, it is my sisters but still it's gorgeous;)
Lastly the skull cameo necklace like Alexa Chungs Iosselliani one, it was cheap from ebay and I love it!
However, I still have Christmas presents to buy! Oh dear...

ninteen sixties

Just a few images I took today of my 1960's Little Black Dress sketchbook, not bad I'd say for my first project aha, but I'm hoping to make my Flotsam and Jetsam one much better and not as rushed as this one turned out to be!
I really wanted to take my pictures with natural light but by the time I got around to it it was evening and it's been quite dark all day due to the snow anyway so I've solely had to rely on my ridiculously bright flash! The snows still bad here but I really need to get out of the house soon so I may go in to Solihull tomorrow for something to do aha!
( far too many exclamation marks in this post (': )

Saturday 18 December 2010

flotsam and jetsam

For my next project I think I'm going to focus on Rodarte, I love the destroyed knits its all beautiful.